Ok one more thing for today.
Lowes and a few other stores have changed a few things. They have "Holiday" trees for sale. Right next the these so called "Holiday" trees was a pallet of CHRISTMAS Tree stands. A couple of questions.
1. Do "Holiday" trees fit in the Christmas tree stands?
2. When will you be receiving "Holiday" tree stands?
3. When will you be receiving Christmas trees?
I cannot believe that Christmas is being taken out. If it weren't for CHRISTMAS these stores would have the great sales that they do. They would never have a peak season. Their sales would be crap for the entire year. If you don't like the word Christmas then don't celebrate it. Don't buy a CHRISTMAS tree. Don't buy CHRISTMAS lights. You don't have to participate. This PC crap is really getting on my nerves.
Tom, we are on the same page here... the PC issue has gone over the edge when a company is afraid to use the word "Christmas" because it might offend someone who will sue them. Sue for what? So YOU can feel better making everyone who celebrates Christmas NOT feel better... I am going to sue Loew's for not making me feel better about my season of Christmas...
My son came across the following greeting: "Merry Christmahannukwanzica Festivus!" While funny, it is what you will see those Christmas trees turned into if the PC'ers keep it up.
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